Remembering Seattle
There are many things that pop up in my mind when I think about this past week out on the west coast. Here are the highlights (the ones I recall anyway):
1. Almost forgot about this one, walking around the International
District on the first day we arrived and deciding it best to
not stay long since we had our roll-on luggage and had tourist
plastered all over our faces.
2. First night in Seattle's University district a mother had her little girl
pee on some ground cover between some hedges right in front of
K. and I at a bus stop (no joke).
3. Buses, a good amount, are electrified and quiet as a mouse (sit
down and hum, no one will notice).
4. S.'s roommate has waaaaaay too much wine (85 bottles, he
counted it one day... to show off?).
5. There are far too many vegan restaurants to eat at in one week
(boy does that kill me, ahhhhg)!
6. As S. has pointed out already, communicating with Santoki, and
just the three of us, was great with all the languages we covered.
7. Meeting K. from FL and getting to know her was a lotta fun.
8. Having a personal tour of Capitol Hill with J. was dually fun, too
(thank you J).
9. Playing S.'s roommate's Atari (one of those five games in one
joystick thingys that is an eighth of the size of the original).
10. Flipping threw the channels to find there is nothing on cable-tv.
11. Of course meeting all the other cool peeps at the mini goes
without saying.
12. Another night I noticed how K. and S. floss their teeth before they
brush 'em (I gotta kick outta that one).
13. Seattle gets quite a bad rap from being rainy all the time, when in
fact it only drizzled on and off for two days the our week.
14. Inquiring minds wanted to know, and the answer iiiiS... YES, you
can pray and drink bubble tea all at the same time, and WOW
Bubble Tea is your savior for that with prayers on each of the heat
sealed top on the drink which you punch through the top with an
angle cut, oversized straw destroying the prayer! Hahahaha!!!
15. Question: Can you get a sun burn in Seattle? Answer: See
number 13.
16. The stereotypical touristy views from the Space Needle are worth
the $14 (plus, you can stay up there all day if you like).
17. The International Fountain is a magnet for kiddies of all ages
(cliché but true); it signals its startup by exuding a fog
from the base and then spurts of water go up one by one
encircling the half-sphere shaped fountain's center, and
finally the rest of the water jets jump up in a flurry dancing in the
rainbow they created.
18. There were amazing rosemary 'shrubs' that were likely up to 5
years old on numerous city blocks throughout Seattle, dill was
the second most common herb I found in town, and oh, I tried
some rosemary and it was good (dorky, quirky
side of me coming out).
19. Watching kayakers from Gas Park and checking out the astrology
inspired artwork atop the highest hill.
20. Clubbing at The Baltic, Trinity, and on the boat cruise.
and what's wrong with flossing before you brush? i do it, as do sarah and should too b/c we are all doing it.
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