
Saturday, May 20, 2006

Seattle: Finding the Emerald in the City

The rain parted days before we arrived via plane and the weather cooperated for the next few days, showering us with only sunshine and the unusually grand view Mt. Rainier through cloudless skies.

There were other pleasant surprises in store for K and I (so far this past week). Vegetarian, specifically Vegan fare, were not exactly few and far between as one might expect. On the contrary, and much to our delight, there are several ALL VEGAN eateries in the Emerald City, of which we have visited a good share of thus far.

Yes, we checked out the stereotypical tourist sights: Pike Place Market and the Space Needle; although, some of the best finds have been down those off-the-beaten-path type of places. Parks with random and amazing fountains filled with children of all ages, hole-in-the-wall Thai and Indian reastaurants with warm and genuine staff, and simple experiences, such as merely riding the bus and how that differs from that of the Mini-apple (I have to admit that transit is taken much more seriously here in Seattle (wired or AC/DC powered buses are everywhere and frequent and sidewalks are generally pretty pedestrian friendly).

Well I should get back to enjoying the still reasonable nice weather here.


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