5 weirdo thingys about mio
This post was a dare or rather a tag from Kya:
"The first player of this game starts with the topic 'five weird habits of yourself,' and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don't forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says “You are tagged” (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.
Nate, you've been tagged. HAHAHA. Now, do it!"
Okay, so here goes...
1. As a guy I love to cook and sample my delicious foods I make (sometimes when it comes to my food I can be anything but
modest... hehehe).
2. Elmo rocks and I can talk like him, so can Kya although she can be shy. Plus she does a killer Zoe from Sesame Street, too.
3. I, along with Kya, give food to homeless people in person, not through a food shelf (she blogged about this earlier this
year) and yet some people would see this as weird. Getting to know people around you, what, community, what???
4. Yes, the rumors are true, I am active on a few sites that deal with transit and urban development (my interests lay more so in the sustainability corner of things).
5. My wife and I taught English in another country for a year. This experience of living and working abroad is something that will continually influence me in everything I do.
A 6th wierd thing about me:
6. When ordering at a restaurant I try to get something different when possible, instead of eating the same thing time after time. Is that being a little masochistic not ordering your favorite entree?
ahhhhh...hong kong....ahhhhhh....those were the days....ahhhhhh....i miss it....tequila shots in lan kwai fong.......ahhhhh...
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