
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Silly Kids

Know how children can be so inquisitive and insightful? As far as examples go I'm sure you have one in your head right now, but if not read these ones below, which happened at my workplace:

Child: "Whas 'sat?"
Parent: "Sushi."
Child: "I wan' sus'i."
Parent: "No, kids don't like that."

Someone should tell the children everywhere that like sushi that they really don't its just their imagination.

Parent: "Honey lets get some root beer. No open this door."

That was just a short little ditty about a parent ordering around their kid.

Child: "Was 'sat?"
Parent: "Those are olives."
Child: (Reaching for them).
Parent: "Say icky! You don't like olives!"
Child: "Icky!"

Gee I wonder why some children get so picky about eating? Maybe its because they think everything is icky?

Child: "I want some."
Parent: (Tries a sample of the dish from the deli) "That's too spicy for you."

There, I-made-up-my-mind-for-you-response. The last child was a three/four year old and all the previous ones were around 2/3 years of age.

When I was at the YWCA with Kya young kids starting to eat meat in the infant room begin so at 10 months and arrodingly will continue on for the rest of their lives or until they decide not to (like Kim and I). Anyway, typically the children would automatically spit out any and all meat they were served, whether that was ground into a pate, for the younger ones, or around
the time they turn 1 year they eat ground beef and chicken, and the like, and they chew it and spit that out too. Why, do you ask, well they don't like the texture and possibly the taste as well. Yes kids would spit out most new foods on the first try, however meat was the assumed food to not like even after many tries. Coincidence, I think not, but that's just my opinion.

One time at the YWCA Kya and I were working at different times with a group of toddlers and the incident took place during snack one day when an acting lead teacher started saying that the dehydrated apple rings, tasted horrible (she directed this at the other teachers and aids in the room, but guess who else heard)? Not a single toddler even picked up the apple chips. Later that week, Kya happened to be in the room, and the past offending teacher trying to bestow ignorance on the kids was not there that day, and she tried the apple chips before the kids received them and played it up as to how amazing and wonderful these apple ships indeed were. Kya exclaimed, "Mmmmmm, this are so good Nate. Try them." And so I did. My response, "Mmmmmm, wow these are so good." Then we distributed the apple chips for snack and then low and behold the kids scarfed them down and want not just seconds, but thirds as well. This became one of their most popular snacks.

This next one is just plan funny:

Child: "Daddy, daddy."
(Short period of silence).
Child: "Daddy, daddy."
(Short period of silence again).
Child: "Daddy, daddy. I didn't know they had straw, strawberry. I didn't know they had strawberry milk!"
(Short period of silence once again).
Child: "Daddy, daddy. Look! They have strawberry! Strawberry milk!"
(That excitement passed and then the child exclaims out of nowhere).
Child: "Daddy, daddy. Do you have any money?"
(Likely, they were in a grocery store, well my co-op, and the father had a handful of items, along with four kids in tow, one in his arm, and the "chattery" one (3yrs) and two older ones).


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