
Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Thought this was interesting

Originally uploaded by Elmoisamonster.
My brother, Jason, center and his wife, Brooke, right originally had a caricature of them done up for their business cards and other ad stuff promoting their reality business. Now they have hired an assistant, who Brooke had helped find a house, so here you can see Nicole now stands on the left.

A little over a month and a half ago...

Stupid Blimp
Originally uploaded by Elmoisamonster.
...this stupid blimp kept circling downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul. For several days this blimp with words on both sides stating very vague phrases: "Had it up to here?" on one side and "Enough is enough." on the other. No one could figure out what the hell it meant, channel 4 WCCO news even covered the story and I even found a site where people were blogging over it and speculating as to what it could signify. The only info available was that an ad agency out of Washington D.C. was behind it, the pilot of the blimp also was in the dark on this one. In the end it was reveled, indirectly that the local channel 9 FOX news was behind it. They used the same phrases from the blimp in an ad on tv to promote their new no excuses style of reporting where they would make everyone accountable, kinda' like what channel 5 kstp Eyewitness news had proclaimed around the same time. Anyway, they succeeded in getting the attention they wanted.

Mission Accomplished!

My Fully Grown Sprouts
Originally uploaded by Elmoisamonster.
The long awaited day is here. Eligible sprouts who greened up with chlorophyll through indirect contact with the sun, that is ... all of them, were proudly displayed atop
a salad filled with romaine lettuce, other
mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, pomegranate seeds, red onion, avocado and previously sprouted mung bean sprouts (not home grown so not as impressive, but are organic like the rest of the veggie lot inked above). A mustard dressing flanks the left and a tomato basil flanks the right in this glorious cornucopia of veggie delight.