
Monday, September 19, 2005

Somewhere to Work...

Well September 1st through the 9th I worked at non-profit call center. While there I called members of MPIRG to get them updated on recent events related to energy policy and to ask them to contribute again to further the campaign at the capitol. What works for some people drives others batty, this was one of those situations. Starting at 4:50pm I would walk the one and a half blocks to work, at 4pm I would be trained on phone skills for a half hour, 4:30pm we would talk about what was in the news today to get us fired up for our calling sessions, from stupid comments made by "W" and his mother (who commented on how people were better off now that they were in the sports stadium than they were in their previous situation before Hurricane Katrina came) to the relief effort in New Orleans and the rest the area impacted by the hurricane, all in all we spoke about a broad range of topics from social justice to the environment (this was actually my favorite part of the entire experience!). Then most people would have a smoke break for 10 minutes, then start on the calling for an hour straight, then another 10 minute smoke break, and finally two hours and 20 minutes of calling to finish off the night. This place was open Monday through Saturday and sometimes on Sunday. Make $270 in pledges each night four times in a week and you make staff and if you don't tough luck, instead work part time for $9 an hour, 24 hours a week and see how you like it. It was just too negative sometimes there, with all the ups and downs in the cycle of getting quota or not...I can see why most of them smoke, maybe because they always have a phone in their hand a cigarette holds the same purpose, but in a different way of course. No more emotional roller coasters for me.

On the 9th I had an interview with a food co-op and on the 13th I was hired and that was a nice change of pace indeed. Working in a deli/deli is pretty fun and I'm so busy all day long that I never know where the time goes. Plus, I get free food, because we have to change out displays and other things in the store that are close to or at the end of their expiration. Sunday, my first full day of work I had kimbahp, the equivalent of a vegetarian California roll for those who don't know what that Korean word refers to, then today, Monday I had two different types of salad, one was sesame noodle one with bell peppers and the other a cashew and tofu curry (I guess the later is more of a spread than a salad) and brown basmanti rice. Mmmmmmm free food and vegan too, that's always nice. The morning shift is pretty crazy, cause everything needs to be set up, scones need to be baked, soups heated up, and everything uncovered and a spoon or tongs put in the various dishes. When I work a closing shift the salad bar and sandwich counter need stocking twice, extra food prep and cutting for the next day's salad bar is done, and finally breaking down and cleaning up of all general areas is completed before I head out the door and wait for the bus. That's right I take the bus, I do ride my bike in the evenings when I have an earlier evening or morning shift. Kim and I get 20% off groceries too. Sorry, I cannot buy you food or anything.

Check out this site to learn more about Food Co-ops:


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