
Sunday, May 15, 2005

Can you hear that?

Can you hear that?
Originally uploaded by Elmoisamonster.
Of course you can't. You are sooo lucky to have that privilege, I'm telling you! There are two kinds of Cicadas in China, so I'm told, that are cousins of those in the states; you know those insects you rarely see, which emit a high pitched white noise-like sound from some perch in a tree. When you do see them it's typically only their outer shell they have molted off, as a moth does with a cocoon. These appear to be alien relics and the actual bug in the flesh resembles an oversized fly of sorts. One kind here creates an ear piercing sound that puts its cousins to shame. This white noise takes the cake and I begin to wonder if I'm losing my hearing or maybe that's just a cockroach holed up inside my ear. On two occasions in The China Daily newspaper I've read reports of such oddities. Sounds more like a circus act or a magic trick, but alas it's true. It's said these critters find this warm place to rest whilst an unsuspecting person is sleeping. Doctor's advise patients to not attempt to de-roach their ear themselves. Allow a professional to pour rubbing alcohol into your ear cavity in order to drunken the fellow before extraction.


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